Chazopia Mission Statement
It sounds grandiose, but Chazopia has a mission: Chazopia aims to ensure that there exists a more equitable successor to the structure of the government of the United States of America.
Who We Are
We love the foundation of this country. We don’t love all of its history, nor many of its current intricacies and deficiencies, but it’s been part and parcel of some lofty, progressive ideas which we believe can be more completely realized.
We believe it’s now possible, through careful design, to architect a government that virtually eliminates the corruption, the dynasties, and the socio-economic rut to which we’ve become dejectedly accustomed. Our representative democracy was designed in part to overcome the technological limitations of the eighteenth century, when it could take more than a month to get a one-way communication from New York to Boston. We now have the benefit of history, technology and the examples of other nations, and we can improve on those lofty ideas and increase the progress.
We don’t intend to mold a government that enforces to our own moralistic ideals. Rather, we intend to proffer, through discussion, debate and research, a rational reconstruction of the US government that truly is a “…government of the people, by the people, for the people…”* We do intend to engineer the mechanisms by which every citizen will be represented as an individual and by which the good of the whole will be ensured through the wisdom of the majority.
We believe that the probability of Charles Clark’s presidential candidacy (not presidency) should equal Mitt Romney’s and, for better or worse, Mama June’s, because they are all “the people.”
Who We’re Not
We don’t intend to overthrow the government (although we’ll probably talk about the precedent for that in a future post). Times and nations change but we don’t see any imminent need to change the nation by force.
We’re not “preppers”. We’re not right-wing nuts. We’re not terrorists, fundies, racists, tree huggers, bunny huggers, or commies. We’re not politicos, scientists, or one-percenters. In many ways, actually, our goals are as left-wing as they come, but they may yield the most right-wing of governments, if that’s the will of the people.
*Ironically, Lincoln lifted that from a 14th-century Bible: